Sly, elusive words…
we seek to control them, even as we know their path is their own to forge.
We stretch…we strain…we struggle to grasp the perfect phrase that will say what’s in our hearts.
Putting pen to paper we must make each letter shine with a light of its own to illuminate imagined worlds.
Within our mind’s dark corners, we are relentless in our search for inspiration and truth.
We persist in this endless pursuit because every once in a while, words fall to our page like stars...every once in a while we are able to bring forth a moment in time that took root in our souls and begged for a life of its own. In this release, we become the writers we had hoped to be...
I am linking to Thursday Tales where we build a tale around a photo prompt. For more stories check out the TT page...
Today's photo -The Writer- is courtesy of Daniel Hayman at the link below.