Every woman should have
her own tools, preferably
newer than these ones!
And of course, no studio is
complete without its
resident teddy bears...
Every woman should have
her own tools, preferably
newer than these ones!
May 18th:
I believe there is
a little magic to
be found in my
storybook tins...
May 19th:
Postcards, Bizarro and
my collection of crosses
gleaned from many
thrift store trips.
May 20th: Sometimes, simple is best...
May 10th:
I have rightfully earned the title of 'stationery queen'! May 11th:
My stash of cigar boxes,
complete with one made
into a purse, (store-bought),
and another filled to the brim with buttons as bright and brilliant as jewels.
Double-decker buses picked up in Ireland, England, and North America.