Circumstances have kept me from blogging lately, and I've missed my online friendships. I plan to do a better job of keeping in touch, and today's post seems a good way to start.
Mimi at 'Mimi Writes' hosts the annual Blogblast4peace, a celebration of hope wherein we're invited to create our own prayer for a better world using one of the templates she provides.
Today I make a plea for the animals of the world, caught up in a war of their own as we encroach upon their habitats and push species to the brink of extinction. A visit to East Africa several years ago impressed upon me the need to keep as sacrosanct the open plains that allow animals to be free, as they are meant to be. It was amazing to watch this young lion laze comfortably on a sun-baked plateau, secure in the knowledge that the wide Serengeti was his to roam.
I'm also running the globe I posted last year as a reminder that children and animals are depending on us to bequeath them a world where war is obsolete and all living things are cared for.
We must not let them down....

Please, please stop by Mimi Writes and add your voice to the many who know we can make the world a better place by sharing our prayers and joining ideas. Together, we will make a difference.
Thanks to Jules for the tech. support, and I hope to visit you all soon!
Yay! You're here. We missed you! I LOVE your plea and your lordly lion. I know you took his photo and that it is your hands holding the dear little fellow in the second photo. Thanks for remembering the animals, who are also having such a hard time on this planet. How is it that one species - humans - have created so much difficulty for themselves, for each other, and for other living beings? Sigh. Peace, kiddo - it has been our lifelong search and prayer, has it not?
Great post and cause by the sounds of it, Lynette. You are fortunate, indeed, to have personal tech support, by the way, as this is a rare commodity nowadays. :) When the planet is viewed from a distance its fragility becomes so very clear.
Beautiful globes. Thanks for the reminders and peace to you and yours!
Oh WOW! Lynette! Welcome back. Missed seeing you. I love your plea for animals and children. Bless you dearest friend. (((hugs))) Jo
Great to see you back! I missed you!
Lovely post:)
Hey you, welcome home! I've now got the song Dona Nobis Pacem going through my head :o/ While I like it, it's a round and it's going round and round and round... Still, I happen to know it sounds amazing in the tunnels under Niagara Falls, so I shall just remember it there!
Best wishes to you and yours for peace today and in all the days to come.
Thank you for remembering the animals and children. We owe it to them to leave them a viable Earth. Peace be to you today and every day.
Wonderful globes! Peace!
Oh gosh! I LIKED the lion one on Facebook, but don't know if I got to tell you there.
Lovely artwork on both - lovely sentiments too.
I've had a similar year of neither blogging nor reading blogs much. I so hope I can get back to it next year as I find without the other people who inspire me my own inspiration (and optimism) start to run dry!
peace blessings :-)
It's funny, you get wrapped up in peace for people, but I have to admit, I forgot for a while it's not just folk who live here, and there's a whole Earth full of animals that need their peace! Thanks for that!
[A link to your post will be on my blog 'Peace Bloggers Unite' soon]
Beautiful peace post.
So glad you joined us.
#2288 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery at
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